Factory Outlet OPEN
Mon thru Sat 9 - 5
401 E Front St
Freeburg PA 17827
Armoires Cherry Clothing Armoires, Cherry TV Armoires
"Abbington" Cherry Armoire
No. 5266
39W x 19.5D x 66H |
"Abbington" Cherry TV Cabinet
No. 5266-TV
39W x 19.5D x 66H
(shown with 27" TV)
inside dimensions for TV: 33.5W x 25.5H
(back slides open to accomodate picture tube) |
"Towson" Cherry Armoire
No. 6272
41W x 20D x 72H
A truly handsome piece of furniture that provides ample
storage space.
Interior shelving is adjustable.
Note: The "Towson" is shipped in two
sections for easier delivery. |
"Towson" Cherry TV
No. 6272-TV
(shown with 32" TV)
41W x 20D x 72H
Features interior adjustable shelves and a three-outlet
plug with coaxial cable hook-up. |
Cherry Bedroom Furniture Print Out.   Click here to download and print.
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Cherry Bedroom Furniture shown in the Brandywine Finish.
Brandywine is our classic red cherry finish and is our most popular choice. Cambridge Finish is our brown cherry option. |